AWS – EBS gp3

AWS announced the general availability of EBS gp3 which is 20% cheaper then gp2 and allows you to provision performance (IOPS and throughput) independent of storage capacity.

Baseline performance on a 1Tb gp2 volume is 3000 IOPS and 250 mb/s throughput.

Baseline performance on gp3 is 3000 IOPS and 125mb/s throughput, regardless of volume size.

Provisioning gp3 performance will cost you a fee.


Detailed pricing information available at

So, from now on, instead of using gp2, just go with gp3 and use more disks so you can reach the same throughput as gp2 and save a few (or a lot) of money.

Check the instance type volume limits here so you can better understand how many volumes you need to reach instance max performance.

We have started moving some volumes from gp2 to gp3 and seeing some disk latency increase so I recommend you doing it on most idle periods.

Author: reguchi

DevOps at Circle

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