MySQL sysbench

Install it using the documentation available here.

create a database on the server:

create database stresstest;

then run:

sysbench prepare:

sysbench /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_read_write.lua \
--mysql-db=stresstest --threads=4 --mysql-host=<hostname> \
--mysql-user=<root> --mysql-password=<password> --tables=10 \
--table-size=250000 prepare

sysbench run:

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --report-interval=2 \
--threads=4 --time=300 --mysql-host=<hostname> \
--mysql-user=<root> --mysql-password=<password> \
--mysql-db=stresstest /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_read_write.lua run

see that I’ve run the oltp version 🙂

available sysbench scripts are:

ubuntu@ip-10-0-10-94:~$ ls /usr/share/sysbench/
bulk_insert.lua oltp_delete.lua oltp_point_select.lua oltp_read_write.lua oltp_update_non_index.lua select_random_points.lua
oltp_common.lua oltp_insert.lua oltp_read_only.lua oltp_update_index.lua oltp_write_only.lua select_random_ranges.lua

FYI, I’ve just discovered a 10% performance decrease after upgrading a sanbox database from MySQL 5.7.38 to 8.0.30 when configured with READ-COMMITTED isolation level.

DBA -> SRE/DevOps

As many of you know, I’ve moved from a core DBA role to an SRE/DevOps role.

It has been happening since 2019 when I joined Velocity Cloud.

So from now on, I will start blogging about my challenges in this SRE/DevOps world.

I will still blog about databases but it will mostly be about MySQL or PostgreSQL. Why ? Well, small companies just can’t afford Oracle and since I left Velocity I’ve been working for startups only 🙂